About Mrs. Mayfield

I always loved making things. I remember being in elementary school and looking forward to art class more than anything else. I liked drawing, painting, building Legos and models cars, etc. My parents would buy me almost anything if I convinced them that it was educational, so I got a lot of craft kits and models as a child. By the time I was a teenager, I could draw, sew, crochet, weave, paint, throw clay, bake, cook, and much more. My love of making thing got strong as a got older and it led me to do a lot of stuff normal kids don't do.

When I was about twelve, I saw a light fixture in an antique store that I just loved. It was a metal chandelier that had tropical flowers and leaves on it. I wanted it so badly, but it was $200 and I was twelve. I decided that since I couldn't buy it, I would make one.  My dad took me to Home Depot and we bought a bunch of electrical supplies and sheet metal. My dad helped me wire it all and I cut sheet metal into flowers and palm leaves. I still remember how sore my hand were from squeezing the metal shears and cutting my hands. But I made a rudimentary chandelier that hung in my room for years.

That was the first of a lot of random projects I've made over the years. I always have people asking me how I make the things I do. After the advent of Pinterest, I realized how many craft blogs are out there. After looking through quite a few of them, I really wanted to start my own. When I wanted to reupholster a chair and couldn't find any decent, easy to understand instructions I decided it would be a good time to start my blog.

I met my husband at a pool party at the end of our sophomore year of high school. We got to know each other over the summer and then we started dating in September of 2005. We both had Disneyland annual passes, so our second date was at Disneyland. We have gone to Dinseyland together over 200 times since we starting dating.

After we graduated high school, we both went to the same college. He majored in Computer Science and, much to the dismay of my parents, I majored in Art. My mother always wanted me to go to college. I remember her telling me when I was very young that I had to go to college and I could major in anything I wanted, "but please don't major in something silly, like art," she said. But I did it anyways and I'm very glad I did. There's no degree I would want have wanted more.

By the time I graduated college, I had a B.A. in Art, a minor in Computer Game Design (yes, there is a degree in video games), an A.A. in Interior Design, and a certificate in Computer Aided Drafting. I now work as a web designer for an international staffing company.

After college, he proposed to me (at Disneyland) and I married my high school sweet heart on a beautiful ranch in Thousand Oaks. You can see some of the pictures from my wedding here.

A few months after we were married, we bought our first house! As soon as we bought it, we started repainting and decorating it. You can read about how I packed, moved, unpacked and decorated in 2 months in my blog post about organized moving here.

While I do work full-time, I spend a lot of my free to time making myself busy with projects. When I remember to take pictures of what I'm working on, they end up on here!

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